- Harry Callahan
Good Day EWI!
Well, this will be last blog for the year, and what a year it has been! The journey I have taken as your 2012-2013 Corporate President has been a true blessing and joy in my life! I cannot thank those that walked beside me enough! Ronwyn, Darlene, Benita, Cindy, Cortney, Mary Helen, Lisa and Wendy have all been an incredible inspiration to me...your support has made it such an easy role to fulfill!
When we started this year I gave each of our Chairs a key chain as I truly felt they would be the "keys to our success" and I was not wrong! The work these caring women undertook with their Vice Chairs and Committee Members was astounding! You are the true heroes ladies! My deepest gratitude to Pat Evans, Darlene Banogon, Carolyn Woodmansee, Kerry Feltenberg, Darlis Vauble, Jenni Burns, Jeanette Davis, Kim Fankhauser! Additional heartfelt thanks to Lisa Stokes as Nominating Chair and Nancy Harrison as Credentials Chair.
I would also like to thank the staff members for their unwavering commitment to EWI! Brittany, Kim, Bonny and Ashley - thank you for all that you do for EWI!
My deepest hope in undertaking this weekly blog was that through this exercise, I might inspire other members of EWI to read it and think to themselves, "I can do that too!"
As our great Founder Lucille Johnson Perkins and the first Board of Directors said so eloquently in our Chartering documents, "She profits best who serves most." To me, that is the golden nugget of EWI. For without stepping into servant leadership you are missing out on the greatest learning tool available through your membership. The lessons and skills that I have learnt throughout my time with EWI have been some of the most rewarding lessons in my life. Is it a time requirement? Absolutely. However nothing worthwhile comes without dedicating your attention to it.
Heading into the final 48 hours before I fly to San Diego, I am sure my time will be looking like yours...trying to pack, manicure/pedicure, banking, etc. As I count down the hours I will also be thinking of all the members I will be seeing next week as we celebrate our 75th Anniversary at LCAM! I am very excited to head into this final week of my Presidency because it is a week dedicated solely to EWI and its members. I cannot wait to spend this time with 355 other EWI member representatives!
For those of you not attending, I know you will be with us in spirit. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support this year! I have never been so proud of being a part of EWI as I have been this year. Thank you for the honor of serving as your Corporate President!
Keep the faith and please... continue to 20 Mile March!
Over and out.
- K