Friday, December 28, 2012


"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."

- Charles Dickens 
Good Evening EWI!
Well, it is well past closing time, but I must get this out as it is Friday, after all!  "No slacking Karen!".  Truth be told, I have spent most of my first day back buried in IT issues.  Someone in our company thought today would be a good day to convert our email server.  Why do techies always treat you with total disdain when you are having issues following their instructions?  Anyway, all well that ends well, and I did learn a few things about my Blackberry today...previously undiscovered features, which is always fun!
As we enter this weekend and the countdown to a New Year, my wish for each of us is to find the time for a quiet moment to reflect upon all the wonderful things you have learned, the new friends made and the impact made on others' lives through our membership in EWI.
As someone once said, "What does not kill you will only make you stronger". There were many moments in 2012 where I thought that it could not get worse, but it did. I for one, choose not to dwell on those moments, but instead learn the lessons presented and count my blessings.
If I were asked to summarize what 2012 has meant for EWI, I would respond that it has been a year of immense learning for all.  Collectively, we have ran the organization without an Executive Director for more than seven months of this year.  While less than ideal circumstances to be sure, I know that the staff and both last year's board and this one would tell you that we have all learned a lot.  That is a blessing and if you like, one more example of how EWI imparts Business Literacy!
We introduced the Standards of Excellence for all Chapters to follow as a blueprint to success.  That is a blessing.
We embraced One Vision and started our 20 Mile Marching!  That is indeed a blessing!
We have moved to a new database system that will ease Chapter operations and raise our professional image.  That too, is a blessing.
Most important though, we donated over $550K collectively in our communities and that is a HUGE blessing that will continue to make positive ripples in the world for years to come.  So, I say, "Congratulations EWI" - on persevering, rising and overcoming 2012!
Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year!  I raise my glass to EWI as we enter 2013 knowing that we have so many special moments to come.  Cheers!
- K

Thursday, December 20, 2012


"The merry family gatherings, the old, the very young. The strangely, lovely way they harmonize, in the carols sung.  For Christmas is tradition time, traditions that recall, the precious memories down the years, the sameness of them all."
- Helen Lowrie Marshall
Good Day EWI!
I must tell you that as I write this I am hearing in my head Tevye (Topol) from Fiddler on the Roof, sing "Tradition"!  It is one of my favourite movies that I love to watch at this time of year, along with Dr. Zhivago.  Why the fascination with Russia?  My maternal grandparents and two of my Aunts immigrated from there in 1923, (well, actually one was born on the way to Canada in England), so it always fascinates me.  I am determined to take in the new movie Anna Karenina this holiday too.
For the first time in about ten years I am making the trek home to Saskatoon for Christmas.  My Mom is not able to travel here anymore and her dear sister, my favourite Auntie,  is about to have her last Christmas as she is in stage four cancer without treatment.  This Christmas will be bitter sweet for all of us, to be sure.  What makes it bearable is that I know she will take comfort in seeing us continuing on with a lot of the traditions she enjoyed as a child and in turn helped our Mother recreate for us.  One of which is the fact that "Santa" always placed a mandarin orange in the toe of our stockings.
I would hazard to say that this coming week, over any other week in the year, is where we each lovingly embrace our individual traditions to the greatest degree.  Maybe its your Grandmother's recipe for shortbread cookies, turkey stuffing or the way in which you decorate your tree; traditions become ingrained in us and passed down through the collective experiences we share with our loved ones. 
Your favourite Christmas recipes filling your kitchen with those wonderful smells of fresh baked cookies, the scent of pine from your Christmas tree, or maybe even the smell of wet woolen mittens, it is those sights, smells, tastes and feelings which help imprint those memories we hold dear and help us to create traditions.
EWI is full of our own traditions, collectively gathered and cherished throughout our 75 years of history.  How blessed are we to be members in such an amazing organization?  We impact lives each and every day and that, in and of itself, is so heartening!  As we turn the calendar soon to 2013 and officially start the countdown to our 75th Anniversary on April 20th, it is my Christmas wish that each Chapter can take a moment to truly celebrate their efforts and the impact they have made in the lives of their member representatives and in the communities in which they live.  Let this be a joyous year for EWI!
In closing, I leave you with this Christmas blessing:
"With faith, courage and hope, every dream is achievable.  If you dream, dream to succeed.  May this Christmas, God bless you with determination, honesty and happiness."
- Anonymous
I wish you a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Life Is Indeed A Roller Coaster!

"The obscure we see eventually.  The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer".
- Edward R. Murrow

Good Day EWI!
I am writing this while CNN is on in the kitchen and I can hear them talking about this horrific act of terror that has just been committed in Connecticut today.  I am at a complete and utter loss over this barbaric, senseless act that has robbed families of their most cherished possession; their children.  May God wrap his loving arms around them all.  We ALL lost today though.  How do you send your children to school now with any sense of security?  School is where they are supposed to be nurtured and kept safe each and every day until they can come home to loved ones.  How do you go to a mall without looking over your shoulder now given last week's rampage in Oregon?
My blog was going to be about overlooking the obvious in so far as giving is concerned, but really now, I want to talk about gun control.  I won't, but I want to.  Again, maybe something so obvious that we cannot see the simple solution?
Back on track....this week I had the great pleasure of attending our Chapter's Christmas celebration.  A great evening wherein we select a charity for the night to fund raise for.  This is accomplished by us bringing direct donations, but also by shopping at a number of vendor tables.  The vendors kindly donate 10% of their gross sales back to the charity.  The charity was once again "No Crib for a Bed", which focuses on supplying families in need with items for infants; diapers, formula, etc.  This year however, the charity asked us specifically to all bring can openers.  Can openers?  Yes, as most of these families just coming off the streets or fleeing abusive domestic situations are reliant upon food hampers, most of which contain canned goods.  Pretty obvious isn't it...but who of us has thought to include that in any donations we make?  Kudos to EWI of Calgary as they raised over $2200.00 for this worthy cause, as a best guess after an early tally.  Could be even higher!
Our December meeting is also where we present the "big" cheque to our Charity of Choice for the year.  The Chapter presented the Highbanks Society with a cheque for $35K, plus another $5K for a Reading Nook at the home they run for their residents (young mothers who are continuing their education and their children).  Funds were raised throughout the year, but primarily from our two signature events, the Hot Heels Fashion Show and our Charity Connect Classic Golf Tournament.  If that was not enough though, they also gave our scholarship recipient an additional $500.00 for additional year end expenses.  WOW - what a night!  I am so proud of what EWI accomplishes in our communities!
Sadly, I came away from that high of Wednesday night, to the sad news Thursday morning that EWI of Orlando is handing in their charter.  Again, I find myself having to thank the member firms and their representatives for all of their dedication and passion to EWI over the years.  We WILL miss you!  Hopefully, some members may continue on as Members At Large.  We hope so!
So, what did Thursday afternoon bring?  Great news in that our legal proceedings against our former Executive Director are progressing as expected!  Then, news that we might have another potential Chapter in Canada within the next year.  That was topped off with a great conversation with our beloved Lori G. who has agreed to create a new Academy of Leadership module for Spring Conference in Chattanooga, April 19 & 20, 2013.  I also had the privilege of watching EWI of Detroit-Windsor's great video highlighting their day at Banbury School.  They used wonderful, cutting edge technology that I immediately researched and forwarded to the 75th Committee and to our office staff for their consideration.  So, again, all in all, I ended the day on a high.
If  we could have a guarantee that each day would end on a high, who would not face the challenges we have with glee?  I think that it is something we can each do for ourselves though if we just promise to stop and find the bright light of our day - because there usually is one.  Definitely need one after today's events.
If you have little ones, grab them close and love them hard this weekend.
- K

Friday, December 7, 2012

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall..."

"Both within the family and without, our sisters hold up our mirrors; our images of who we are and of who we can dare to be".
- Elizabeth Fishel
Good Day EWI!
Well, as promised, I have lots to share with you today!  First and foremost though, I want to tip my hat in acknowledgment to Benita Collins and Mary Helen Johnston, our two Texans on the Corporate board,  for jumping into a snowbank with gusto!  We dared them to get in there and make snow angels last weekend at our retreat in Lake Louise.  They threw all reservations aside and found their inner child which was a delight to watch!
I am always in awe of these women I walk beside for EWI this year and none more so than a week ago today.  We started out our weekend with a full day, facilitator led, workshop on Leading with Emotional Intelligence.  This is never an easy subject to delve into as it can be a very raw experience.  Holding a mirror up to oneself is a brave and courageous act and I thank the board for agreeing to participate in this critical piece of leadership development.  The firms of the board members funded this training and I want to thank them for recognizing the value of developing their staff in this way.  In addition to discovering the growth opportunities for me personally, I was very curious to observe the model unfold as I truly believe this is one area we must strive to train our members in via our Academy of Leadership.  I know I can say without a doubt that each of us walked away with lots to ponder and act upon in our path for personal excellence.
The rest of the weekend was spent on two very long meeting agendas (EWI and B/C/DP), which thankfully, we were able to focus upon and finish up just before our 8pm dinner on Saturday night.
We reviewed the October financials of course and in addition, all the tremendous work that our Corporate Chairs and their committees have undertaken:  the membership survey results, draft documents for Board Governance, LCAM 2013 schedule, sponsorships and speakers, our responses to the RFP for legal counsel, LCAM 2014, Bylaws survey, new revenue opportunities for website firm to firm engagement, Personnel Committee, Office review and finally a plan to update the Corporate Procedure Manual, the Accounting Procedure Manual and the Annual Meeting Procedure Manual.  Whew, and that was just the EWI agenda! 
In the B/C/DP meeting we again reviewed October financials but also reviewed the B/C/DP Procedure Manual and the plan to update it, recommended dba names for B/C/DP, the LCAM literacy initiative survey, a potential 2013 Summit  and whether or not we can be using FAFSA for ASIST and EWISP financial criteria.
We then cross-checked all of this to the Strategic Plan and I was really surprised as we went through it and I could say, "check, check, check"!  I think I sometimes get lost in the trees and cannot see the forest, so to speak.  A very useful and necessary exercise to ensure you are on track with the plan.
I know I can't leave you dangling, so will tell you that we did choose to retain Astill Law again for another year, with an option for a second year extension.  A huge thank you to all of our member firms who responded to the RFP and my hearty congratulations to Dennis and his team.
The deadline for applications for the Executive Director position was last week and now we enter the decision making process; interviewing, full background and credential screening, references, etc.  My deepest thanks to Carolyn, Ronwyn, Lisa, Karen Thompson and Verla Kelly.  We are confident that we can have a new ED in place for the start of January, which makes me VERY happy!
All other updates arising from the meeting will have to wait until they have committee approval and/or undergo further analysis.  Stay tuned though as it is going to be an exciting year for EWI!
It was very sad to say good-bye to my fellow board members on Sunday, but now we can get back to the work of EWI until we meet again face to face!  I love you all!
My wish is that all of us within EWI can take the weekend ahead and make a difference somehow, either in the lives of our family members, friends or complete strangers.  Tiff and I are going to man the Salvation Army kettle tomorrow outside the Canadian Tire store in Shawnessy from 11 - 2pm.  All of you in Calgary - I encourage you to drop by and make our day!  Tonight we are putting up our tree, tomorrow night friends are here for dinner and will help us with the annual Poppycock making marathon (100 cups of popcorn)!  Sunday will be fun too...Christmas cards and my Great nephew Oliver's 2nd birthday!
I must say that I am feeling quite calm as I got the majority of my shopping done this week online through Plan Canada.  We are giving maternity beds, fuel efficient stoves, literacy for women, pharmacy supplies, classroom essentials, goats, rabbits and chickens and even a mango tree!  All of our donations made in honour of our family members are matched through corporations and grants x5 on average, so the impact is huge and meaningful for those in need throughout the world!  Makes us feel very good!  Check out UNICEF or CARE in the U.S. if you are so inclined to as they too have great gift packages you can buy for loved ones instead of  buying them things they really don't need. 
Have a great weekend and Ho Ho Ho!
With love,