Saturday, March 2, 2013

Home Sweet Home!

"Home is the nicest word there is."

- Laura Ingalls Wilder
Good Day EWI!
My apologies as I am officially a day late in writing this!  February being a shorter month was really evident for me this past week. 
Well, as of this weekend, EWI has a new home!  I am thrilled that Wendy was able to secure a new corporate office location for the staff.  The suite is a bit smaller in size, but configured properly to meet our needs.  It has lots of natural light and most important to me, it has adequate parking in a well lit lot.  In addition, the suite has a meeting room with a conference table so the board and I will be holding our March meeting in Salt Lake City in our own offices later this month.  I am so excited to see the new space that is going to cost us significantly less each year for the duration of the five year lease.
I want to thank the staff and their families for all pitching in and tackling this move themselves this weekend.  I am thinking of you all and wish I was there to help!
This past week I had the pleasure of presenting a Webinar on Recruitment and Retention.  What fun that was!  Thank you to all those who attended and to those who reached out to me afterwards.  There is such a dedicated group of leaders committed to growing this organization and I thank them for the continued passion for EWI.  The recording of the Webinar is up on our website if you want to have a listen.  We talked about our current state, membership process, elevator speeches, the top 12 questions you can ask a prospective member firm, ROI points and retention strategies for member Representatives, Firms, Sustainers and Execs.
Conducting that Webinar was an opportunity for me to learn a new skill, as I had never been the host of one before.  EWI continues to present me with wonderful new learning opportunities.  What have you learnt this year through your involvement with EWI?  I would love to hear you personal stories!
This year, I asked our Secretary/Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee, Darlene Banogon, EWI of San Diego, to research alternative revenue sources for EWI.  She has brought to the board a couple of very exciting proposals and we have made the decision to sign on with a company that focuses on finding website advertisers for non-profit groups.  EWI, in turn, receives a monthly portion of ad space revenue sold.  In reviewing the contract and researching the company, we modified the contract with legal so that EWI has the right to approve all ad content and that our member firms would be offered a discount to advertise.  This also goes back to one of the initiatives I had for this year, which is firm to firm engagement.  Does your firm have a special offer they want to make to other EWI member firms?  If so, keep your eyes out for the announcement on how to block your discounted ad space.  I am excited to see this roll out and see what can be realized in the next year with this.  Kudos to Darlene for researching this!
Well, I have the board's monthly coffee chat this morning, so better get prepared for that!  Have a wonderful week ahead!
- K

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