Friday, May 24, 2013

Half Full or Half Empty?

"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour.
Keep your behaviour positive because your behaviour becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny."
- Mahatma Gandhi
Good Day EWI!
Happy Memorial Day weekend to the vast majority of you!  I wish you all a wonderful weekend of reflection and happy family times!
This week has been a hard week for me, but with several lessons embedded within it.  It was a short week as our holiday was on Monday here in Canada.  I came back from a trip home to say a final farewell to my 89 year old Auntie.  She is terminally ill but even in the midst of all the pain from the cancer, her attitude is a shining example of perpetually seeing the glass half full.  She has been, and will always be, an inspiration to me.  When we asked her what she would like on her headstone, she said, "Surprise me!"  When asked if she would have done anything differently, she replied, "No regrets...well, maybe except for the Dutch man....I should have married him!"  Amazing display of grace and dignity until the end.
This is what I must focus on because with the grief I am experiencing, I got side-tracked this week and pulled into a downward spiral of negativity.  Such an easy thing to let others drag you down when you are at your least resilient.  So much so that I ended up taking yesterday off with a migraine.  I never do that.
What pulled me out?  Two GREAT conversations today with some fellow EWI board members!  Hallelujah!  Thank you ladies for inspiring me and helping me to once again see a glass that is half full!
As you will have seen by now, the Nominating Committee has extended the period for members to apply for Corporate Board service.  I want to take a moment and encourage you to take that leap!. I cannot begin to express how this experience of the last four years has changed my life.  I will always be eternally grateful to have been given the privilege of serving in this capacity as a board member. 
If you feel strongly about EWI and are a past Chapter President, I ask you, "What is stopping you?"  I can guarantee you that through board service, either at the Chapter or Corporate level, you will benefit the most from what EWI has to offer.  So, if you are a positive thinker, wanting to affect change for the good of the entire organization, then please do reach out and let those that need to know you are interested in serving.  We need you engaged!  The deadline for the corporate board applications is now June 3rd, 2013.
I am so excited to report that registrations for LCAM are coming in fast and furiously.  I cannot wait to see you there!  It is going to be a stellar week of learning for all those who attend, guaranteed.  Most important is for the incoming Chapter President's and Vice Presidents to attend Leadership Caucus.  I cannot stress enough how crucial this is for the health of your Chapter to attend.  Kudos to EWI of Chattanooga for dedicating the profits they made from Spring Conference as on ongoing endowment fund to get their members to LCAM on an application basis.  They are continuing on with the reinvestment in their Chapter and I think that is really what has been a cornerstone of their huge growth in the last five years.
So, like the short week I had, this is going to be a short blog today!  Thank you all for your positive energy and for continuing to envision a strong EWI of the future. 
Keep smiling and keep the faith!
- K

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