Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Easter!


"For I remember it is Easter morn and life and love and peace are all new born."
- Alice Freeman Palmer

Good Day EWI!
I hope this finds all of you about to enjoy this wonderful weekend ahead of us with your loved ones! Easter is synonymous with spring and what a glorious time of year it is...longer days that are filled with light, early bulbs breaking forth from the ground or already in bloom, and of course, new life being born on the farms around us.  What a perfect time of year for EWI to start celebrating our 75th Anniversary!
In just three short weeks, over 100 of us will be gathering in Chattanooga, Tennessee for our Spring Conference.  I am so looking forward to reconnecting with everyone as Dallas seems far too long ago.  Our beloved Lori Giovannoni is looking forward to delivering a new AoL module on Emotional Intelligence and Leadership...Making the Connection.  I cannot wait to take part in this new module which I know will offer great insight.
The Chattanooga Chapter has done an excellent job of marketing Spring Conference and creating an agenda that will be fun-filled and extremely informational.  If you have not registered yet, there is still time.  Chattanooga is such an easy drive for so many of our Chapters so if you are thinking of attending and are just not sure yet, why not phone some EWI friends and car pool there?  Road trip!
I am extremely honored to be sharing for the first time, at Spring Conference,  a newly amassed biography of our Founder Lucille Johnson Perkins.  We seem to be learning facts each day as the 75th Anniversary Committee delves deeper and deeper into her life.  Here is a sneak tidbit....did you know Lucille named a co-founder of EWI?  If you want to hear more, come to Chattanooga folks!  We will of course, share all the details with everyone after the event, but I couldn't resist a teaser here!
One of the first things I did this morning was to draft a memo to ten of our Chapter Presidents who have an IEA Chapter in their city.  In the memo is the contact information for the IEA Chapter's Executive Directors.  Similarly, those ED's have been given our Chapter President's names and websites.  Both Eric Haug, IEA's Corporate President and I hope that great discussions will spring forth from our shared past.  There can be great synergy in all of these ten cities between each organization.  Here in Calgary, we have had our first IEA firm post for membership in EWI of Calgary already.
So, as I mentioned, I am leaving today for warmer climes for the next ten days.  In support of a new commitment for me to achieve greater work/life balance, I will not be blogging next week folks.  I also challenged myself to only checking emails once a day while away...we will see how that goes!  The office of course knows how to reach me if needed but I am hoping that I can get a bit of reading done, enjoy some golf and get well rested for the last half of my Presidency.
Enjoy your Easter and I challenge all of you too to make family your first priority this weekend! 
- K

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Fresh New Start

"Above all, human existence requires stability, the permanence of things."
- Georges Bataille

Good Day EWI!
It seems like much longer than just 10 days ago since my last post as so much has taken place since then.  As of my last post, I was preparing to depart for Salt Lake City for our Q2 Board meeting and what a whirlwind trip that was!
We arrived late Thursday afternoon and after checking into the lovely Salt Lake City Marriott downtown, member firm of EWI of Salt Lake City's President, Nikol Smith.  What a great property, right in the heart of things.  Thank you to Nikol and her staff for such wonderful hospitality.  After bags were dropped we headed out to dinner with our entire staff.  What a great way to start the weekend and so nice to meet Bonny and Kim in person.  I was fortunate to finally be able to present new board members Benita Collins, Cortney Ewald-Ihde and Mary Helen Johnston with their board pins.
Friday morning saw us all rise early to meet with the Salt Lake City Chapter board for breakfast.  What an energetic and passionate group of women we have there!  It was refreshing to hear firsthand how this Chapter is tackling recruitment and general operations.  Thank you all for rising early to meet with us.  We appreciated the exchange with all of you!
We then went over to the new home of EWI and it is an AMAZING space that we can all be so proud of!  Wendy and her team have created a warm, professional space while honouring our past extensively.  I could have spent 1/2 the day just soaking up all the historic photos and materials posted on the walls.  I encourage all of you who are ever in Salt Lake City to make sure to drop by the office.
Seeing the staff settling in so well with Wendy at the helm was so rewarding and heart warming to me.  To witness firsthand this fresh start for our organization with solid leadership in place can only bring the long needed stability EWI needs for corporate operations.
We were blessed to have Dave Horsager with us on Friday until 2pm as we reviewed our current state of the strategic plan created in Dallas.  Thankfully, I can say we have or are about to complete quite a few of our short term objectives already.  As such, we identified three core priorities for the board and office through the remainder of 2013.  They are as follows;  Rebuild/Retain, Marketing and the EWI Foundation.  A set of tactics is being worked on for each of these strategies and I look forward to sharing them with all of you soon.
The remainder of Friday was spent reviewing the renewals compared to our budget and then we had an hour long meeting with Dennis Astill and Scott Czaja, our lawyer and accountant.  We were pleased to hear that our legal concerns with our former ED are progressing as expected.  Dennis and Scott joined us for dinner that night.
As for Saturday, what can I say?  We started at 9am, broke at 5pm for dinner and then reconvened back at the hotel for another hour to finalize our review of the both the corporate and chapter bylaws.  The board members are all troopers and I thank them for staying focused and getting the agenda items all completed! 
It was not the usual sad farewell on Sunday, as all of the board members have opted to attend Spring Conference at their own expense, so it was nice to say, "See you next month!"
This past week was a busy one summarizing all our discussions, following up action items and answering various Chapter inquiries.  I am sad to announce that EWI of Baton Rouge has in fact decided to return their charter due to a lack of members willing to step back into board service.  We are hopeful that many of them will opt to re-join as Members At Large though.
On a very positive note, I was pleased to receive a copy of the IEA March Newsletter wherein EWI was the main feature.  On that note, I was thrilled today to see a posting from my Chapter for the first IEA member firm who has chosen to join EWI for the development of one of his staff members.  We are in the process of exchanging contact information for both organizations in the ten cities where we both have Chapters. 
Well, I have to save some news for the April Connect which I must also write this weekend, so will sign off here for now.  Have a glorious weekend everyone!
- K

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Seize the Day!


"Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow has not yet come.  We have only today.  Let us begin."
- Mother Teresa
Good Day EWI!
Well, I am penning this two days early...which will make up for the post I made late on a Saturday, I hope!  When I signed in to write this today, I was so pleased to see that we have had over 2500 views of this blog.  Thank you for staying engaged with me on this journey!  The reason for the early writing session though is that I am leaving tomorrow to Salt Lake City.  The board and I will be holding our meetings on site at our new EWI home office and I am very excited to see the space that Wendy and her team have created.  Tomorrow evening we will be having dinner with the staff members and it will be so to see everyone and to put a face to Bonny and Kim's voices! 
On Friday morning we are meeting with the Salt Lake City Chapter Board and then into a planning session with our consultant David Horsager.  We will then spend Friday afternoon reviewing the renewal actual revenue against the budget and making cuts where needed.  At the end of the day we have a meeting with our accountant and attorney for an update on our legal concerns, followed by a dinner with them and our Dean of AoL, Lori Giovannoni.  Saturday will be a very full day as we work through our normal meeting agendas to completion.
I cannot believe we are at the six month mark of our term!  So much has been done already and yet there is still so much to do!  The proverbial panic attack at this point of the year is setting in for me.  However, in spite of these feelings, I know that we can accomplish what needs to be done as I have the best team, ever!
I am very sad though to say that our dear Darlene Banogon, Sec/Treas, EWI of San Diego is unable to join us this weekend as her Father passed away tragically yesterday.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to Darlene and her family, and I know you will keep her in your prayers too.
Life is indeed so short and if we put off until tomorrow what can be done or said today, we may lose that opportunity, forever.  It can all change so quickly.
This past week was busy preparing for the board meeting and I also had the pleasure of formally introducing the members of the Calgary Executive's Association to EWI.  Thanks to those Chapter members who rose early this morning to attend the breakfast meeting with me!  As soon as the IEA Board votes in May on an official endorsement of EWI, I will be forwarding contact information to our Chapter leaders where there is also an IEA Chapter in their community.  Great synergy and support can arise, as we have already witnessed here.  Of course, what is intriguing to both parties is that of our combined 172 Chapters worldwide, there are only 10 cites where we both have a presence. I will share with you the details on this exciting strategic alliance as they become available.
I know I will have so much to share with you next week after returning from Salt Lake City!  Until then, seize today to its fullest!
- K

Friday, March 8, 2013

Paying It Forward

"The value of anything can be determined by how much of your time and life you are willing to trade for it."
- Brian Tracy
Good Day EWI!
Happy International Women's Day to each and every one of my sisters in EWI!  I hope you take at least a moment today to reflect on the blessings you enjoy each day, where you began and all of those who helped inspire you along the way!
This week I took part in a very sad conversation that I want to share some details of with you in the hopes that we can all learn from the pain and frustration of others.  We have another Chapter considering to cease operations after more than 50 years of history and success.  This literally breaks my heart to hear.  The issue is a lack of member representatives willing to step forward into leadership roles, yet again.  Trust me, each of them have all done their part in the past by serving, but they just cannot continue without identified Officers in place to carry on.
Those of us attending the call went in "fully prepared" with lists of new firms in their communities, pledges of support and leads from nearby Chapters and a concrete plan of the steps that were taken last year in the successful re-building of another Chapter.  However, all of that is fine, but the reality for this Chapter is that there are no future leaders waiting in the wings.
It has been my observation in EWI that one woman can indeed start a Chapter, but one woman cannot save a Chapter alone.  The current President shared something with all of us on the call and that is what I want to share specifically with you as it really resonated with me.  She said, "If only we had realized the importance of having a successor from within our own Firms involved in the Chapter, this would not be happening now."  You see, all of their current member representatives started out with EWI early in their careers and now, they have been promoted or grown into ever-expanding roles that just do not afford them the time to commit to EWI as they once did.
These member representatives all love and are passionate about EWI.  They have all benefited tremendously from their involvement over the years.  I would hazard a guess to say that some of the new found success in their careers was, in fact, a result of their EWI involvement.  What they failed to do, was "pay it forward" by encouraging another young professional colleague to step forward for membership to also represent their firm.  If you are not actively engaged in your Chapter, learning new skills, is there someone else next to you who could benefit additionally, or more?
Succession planning is critical, not only for member associations but for all businesses as baby boomers start to retire.  Our own demographics are showing the shift.  We have 7% more member representatives that are 46+ than we did just four years ago.  I read a stat recently that said that less than 30% of private companies have an identified successor in place even though the retirement of the Founder is less then 10 years away.  While this means great opportunity for those wishing to purchase a successful company, the reality is that the majority of those businesses will just close their doors.  EWI cannot have any more doors close!
We must make recruitment our number one priority and introduce EWI to the next generation of professionals who are waiting to receive the rewards of EWI.  Do you work with someone you want to see succeed?  I encourage you to sit down and share with them the benefits you have realized through your involvement with this wonderful organization.  Tell your story!  Pay it forward by finding someone else who will step into your shoes before you retire from your Firm or get so busy you can't commit to engaging in Chapter operations. 

The board, office and I are doing everything we can to help ease Chapter operations.  We have a committee in place this year strictly looking at ways that can help ease the burden and allow us to work more efficiently.  We are committed to making things as simple as we can for our Chapter board members.
As to the future of this particular Chapter, I am remaining hopeful that they can find someone from within to step forward to lead them through a rebuilding process.  They were all going to gather next week to discuss the options further.  They will be in my thoughts and prayers and I hope they will be in yours. 

So, in closing today, I would just like to suggest that the "Rewards" of EWI membership have in fact been a very well travelled road over the past 75 years, but it is time to double the lanes ladies and gentlemen.  I challenge each and every one of you to bring a colleague to your Chapter's April meeting along with your Executive. April is where each of our Chapters will celebrate their individual histories, but also our greater one as a whole.  "Empowering others for positive change!" 

Wishing you a wonderful spring weekend!
- K

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Home Sweet Home!

"Home is the nicest word there is."

- Laura Ingalls Wilder
Good Day EWI!
My apologies as I am officially a day late in writing this!  February being a shorter month was really evident for me this past week. 
Well, as of this weekend, EWI has a new home!  I am thrilled that Wendy was able to secure a new corporate office location for the staff.  The suite is a bit smaller in size, but configured properly to meet our needs.  It has lots of natural light and most important to me, it has adequate parking in a well lit lot.  In addition, the suite has a meeting room with a conference table so the board and I will be holding our March meeting in Salt Lake City in our own offices later this month.  I am so excited to see the new space that is going to cost us significantly less each year for the duration of the five year lease.
I want to thank the staff and their families for all pitching in and tackling this move themselves this weekend.  I am thinking of you all and wish I was there to help!
This past week I had the pleasure of presenting a Webinar on Recruitment and Retention.  What fun that was!  Thank you to all those who attended and to those who reached out to me afterwards.  There is such a dedicated group of leaders committed to growing this organization and I thank them for the continued passion for EWI.  The recording of the Webinar is up on our website if you want to have a listen.  We talked about our current state, membership process, elevator speeches, the top 12 questions you can ask a prospective member firm, ROI points and retention strategies for member Representatives, Firms, Sustainers and Execs.
Conducting that Webinar was an opportunity for me to learn a new skill, as I had never been the host of one before.  EWI continues to present me with wonderful new learning opportunities.  What have you learnt this year through your involvement with EWI?  I would love to hear you personal stories!
This year, I asked our Secretary/Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee, Darlene Banogon, EWI of San Diego, to research alternative revenue sources for EWI.  She has brought to the board a couple of very exciting proposals and we have made the decision to sign on with a company that focuses on finding website advertisers for non-profit groups.  EWI, in turn, receives a monthly portion of ad space revenue sold.  In reviewing the contract and researching the company, we modified the contract with legal so that EWI has the right to approve all ad content and that our member firms would be offered a discount to advertise.  This also goes back to one of the initiatives I had for this year, which is firm to firm engagement.  Does your firm have a special offer they want to make to other EWI member firms?  If so, keep your eyes out for the announcement on how to block your discounted ad space.  I am excited to see this roll out and see what can be realized in the next year with this.  Kudos to Darlene for researching this!
Well, I have the board's monthly coffee chat this morning, so better get prepared for that!  Have a wonderful week ahead!
- K