"For I remember it is Easter morn and life and love and peace are all new born."
- Alice Freeman Palmer
Good Day EWI!
I hope this finds all of you about to enjoy this wonderful weekend ahead of us with your loved ones! Easter is synonymous with spring and what a glorious time of year it is...longer days that are filled with light, early bulbs breaking forth from the ground or already in bloom, and of course, new life being born on the farms around us. What a perfect time of year for EWI to start celebrating our 75th Anniversary!
In just three short weeks, over 100 of us will be gathering in Chattanooga, Tennessee for our Spring Conference. I am so looking forward to reconnecting with everyone as Dallas seems far too long ago. Our beloved Lori Giovannoni is looking forward to delivering a new AoL module on Emotional Intelligence and Leadership...Making the Connection. I cannot wait to take part in this new module which I know will offer great insight.
The Chattanooga Chapter has done an excellent job of marketing Spring Conference and creating an agenda that will be fun-filled and extremely informational. If you have not registered yet, there is still time. Chattanooga is such an easy drive for so many of our Chapters so if you are thinking of attending and are just not sure yet, why not phone some EWI friends and car pool there? Road trip!
I am extremely honored to be sharing for the first time, at Spring Conference, a newly amassed biography of our Founder Lucille Johnson Perkins. We seem to be learning facts each day as the 75th Anniversary Committee delves deeper and deeper into her life. Here is a sneak tidbit....did you know Lucille named a co-founder of EWI? If you want to hear more, come to Chattanooga folks! We will of course, share all the details with everyone after the event, but I couldn't resist a teaser here!
One of the first things I did this morning was to draft a memo to ten of our Chapter Presidents who have an IEA Chapter in their city. In the memo is the contact information for the IEA Chapter's Executive Directors. Similarly, those ED's have been given our Chapter President's names and websites. Both Eric Haug, IEA's Corporate President and I hope that great discussions will spring forth from our shared past. There can be great synergy in all of these ten cities between each organization. Here in Calgary, we have had our first IEA firm post for membership in EWI of Calgary already.
So, as I mentioned, I am leaving today for warmer climes for the next ten days. In support of a new commitment for me to achieve greater work/life balance, I will not be blogging next week folks. I also challenged myself to only checking emails once a day while away...we will see how that goes! The office of course knows how to reach me if needed but I am hoping that I can get a bit of reading done, enjoy some golf and get well rested for the last half of my Presidency.
Enjoy your Easter and I challenge all of you too to make family your first priority this weekend!
- K