Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Seize the Day!


"Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow has not yet come.  We have only today.  Let us begin."
- Mother Teresa
Good Day EWI!
Well, I am penning this two days early...which will make up for the post I made late on a Saturday, I hope!  When I signed in to write this today, I was so pleased to see that we have had over 2500 views of this blog.  Thank you for staying engaged with me on this journey!  The reason for the early writing session though is that I am leaving tomorrow to Salt Lake City.  The board and I will be holding our meetings on site at our new EWI home office and I am very excited to see the space that Wendy and her team have created.  Tomorrow evening we will be having dinner with the staff members and it will be so to see everyone and to put a face to Bonny and Kim's voices! 
On Friday morning we are meeting with the Salt Lake City Chapter Board and then into a planning session with our consultant David Horsager.  We will then spend Friday afternoon reviewing the renewal actual revenue against the budget and making cuts where needed.  At the end of the day we have a meeting with our accountant and attorney for an update on our legal concerns, followed by a dinner with them and our Dean of AoL, Lori Giovannoni.  Saturday will be a very full day as we work through our normal meeting agendas to completion.
I cannot believe we are at the six month mark of our term!  So much has been done already and yet there is still so much to do!  The proverbial panic attack at this point of the year is setting in for me.  However, in spite of these feelings, I know that we can accomplish what needs to be done as I have the best team, ever!
I am very sad though to say that our dear Darlene Banogon, Sec/Treas, EWI of San Diego is unable to join us this weekend as her Father passed away tragically yesterday.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to Darlene and her family, and I know you will keep her in your prayers too.
Life is indeed so short and if we put off until tomorrow what can be done or said today, we may lose that opportunity, forever.  It can all change so quickly.
This past week was busy preparing for the board meeting and I also had the pleasure of formally introducing the members of the Calgary Executive's Association to EWI.  Thanks to those Chapter members who rose early this morning to attend the breakfast meeting with me!  As soon as the IEA Board votes in May on an official endorsement of EWI, I will be forwarding contact information to our Chapter leaders where there is also an IEA Chapter in their community.  Great synergy and support can arise, as we have already witnessed here.  Of course, what is intriguing to both parties is that of our combined 172 Chapters worldwide, there are only 10 cites where we both have a presence. I will share with you the details on this exciting strategic alliance as they become available.
I know I will have so much to share with you next week after returning from Salt Lake City!  Until then, seize today to its fullest!
- K

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