Friday, May 31, 2013

Balance Brings Strength

"Perfect wisdom has four parts."

- Plato
Good Day EWI!
My oh my, where did May go?  I cannot believe it is the end of yet another month!  My Presidency is whizzing by me at warp speed.  Funny thing though is that when I started this blog nine months ago, I worried what on earth I would write about each week.  That has never seemed to be an issue when it involves EWI!
This week I had the pleasure of travelling to our newest Chapter, EWI of Grande Prairie.  It seems like just yesterday the board was there to charter the Chapter, however it will be three years ago next month! 
I had the opportunity for a one on one visit with their incoming President and then a visit with their current President, followed by a meeting with their board, and then a membership luncheon.  What a dynamic group of women we have there.
The primary purpose of my visit was part of our work to support those Chapters with <25 member firms.  Yes, just three short years ago we chartered the Chapter with 37 member firms, and today they are just under 20.  "What happened", you ask?
Well, as I shared with them, I remember having a bit of unease back in June of 2010 when we conducted their chartering ceremony as the Chapter was almost entirely comprised of entrepreneurs.  Trust me, I love independent business owners.  I am one!  However, the very nature of being independent means we, as owners, have to see a return on our investments, more quickly than a traditional business with multiple revenue streams, might.  Most of us cannot afford to take part in something that does not support us in return.  It is strictly economics for the independent business operator.

As those of us who have continued on with membership in EWI realize, it takes a lot of time to garner business through EWI.  It is all about building long-term relationships within the Chapter.  While this builds, what we have to offer traditional businesses, is developing their employees.  That is not necessarily a motivator for an independent business owner.  So, alas, when a return is not realized in hard dollars within the first year of membership, many entrepreneurs walk away from EWI.

This is why we were so specific in including a necessary business mix for Chapters in the Standards of Excellence.  Having 25% each of Small, Medium and Large sized firms gives a Chapter some stability in their membership base.  We left the last 25% as an "other" category so that, dependent upon a Chapter's local business market, they could fill it with what is most applicable for the locale.  A Chapter, by nature of its location, may indeed be comprised of 50% small firms, but they must have an equal number of medium and large sized firms too!

Medium and large sized firms give a Chapter stability in member representatives and revenue.  We recognize that it might be an easier sell to approach independent business owners as you are talking to the decision maker right from the get go, but we certainly don't want to see a revolving door of members coming in and heading out after a year because of a lack of return on their investment.  That makes it extremely challenging to fill committee and board positions, which leads into the "eco board" phenomenon, wherein you have the same people doing all the work, year after the year, until they too become burned out and walk away.

I know that Grande Prairie is now consciously trying to recruit firms in the medium and large sized category, and I also know that they will be back at 25 firms, or more, very soon!  For what small firms bring to the Chapter is passion and tenacity.  They are fighters and I know that they will succeed in this quest, as will all of our Chapters who embrace this model!

Well, it has been an interesting month and week, and no doubt that next week will be the start of a busy June too!  I hope we can all take this weekend to get a little relaxation in with friends and loved ones.

Have a great weekend EWI!

- K

Friday, May 24, 2013

Half Full or Half Empty?

"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour.
Keep your behaviour positive because your behaviour becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny."
- Mahatma Gandhi
Good Day EWI!
Happy Memorial Day weekend to the vast majority of you!  I wish you all a wonderful weekend of reflection and happy family times!
This week has been a hard week for me, but with several lessons embedded within it.  It was a short week as our holiday was on Monday here in Canada.  I came back from a trip home to say a final farewell to my 89 year old Auntie.  She is terminally ill but even in the midst of all the pain from the cancer, her attitude is a shining example of perpetually seeing the glass half full.  She has been, and will always be, an inspiration to me.  When we asked her what she would like on her headstone, she said, "Surprise me!"  When asked if she would have done anything differently, she replied, "No regrets...well, maybe except for the Dutch man....I should have married him!"  Amazing display of grace and dignity until the end.
This is what I must focus on because with the grief I am experiencing, I got side-tracked this week and pulled into a downward spiral of negativity.  Such an easy thing to let others drag you down when you are at your least resilient.  So much so that I ended up taking yesterday off with a migraine.  I never do that.
What pulled me out?  Two GREAT conversations today with some fellow EWI board members!  Hallelujah!  Thank you ladies for inspiring me and helping me to once again see a glass that is half full!
As you will have seen by now, the Nominating Committee has extended the period for members to apply for Corporate Board service.  I want to take a moment and encourage you to take that leap!. I cannot begin to express how this experience of the last four years has changed my life.  I will always be eternally grateful to have been given the privilege of serving in this capacity as a board member. 
If you feel strongly about EWI and are a past Chapter President, I ask you, "What is stopping you?"  I can guarantee you that through board service, either at the Chapter or Corporate level, you will benefit the most from what EWI has to offer.  So, if you are a positive thinker, wanting to affect change for the good of the entire organization, then please do reach out and let those that need to know you are interested in serving.  We need you engaged!  The deadline for the corporate board applications is now June 3rd, 2013.
I am so excited to report that registrations for LCAM are coming in fast and furiously.  I cannot wait to see you there!  It is going to be a stellar week of learning for all those who attend, guaranteed.  Most important is for the incoming Chapter President's and Vice Presidents to attend Leadership Caucus.  I cannot stress enough how crucial this is for the health of your Chapter to attend.  Kudos to EWI of Chattanooga for dedicating the profits they made from Spring Conference as on ongoing endowment fund to get their members to LCAM on an application basis.  They are continuing on with the reinvestment in their Chapter and I think that is really what has been a cornerstone of their huge growth in the last five years.
So, like the short week I had, this is going to be a short blog today!  Thank you all for your positive energy and for continuing to envision a strong EWI of the future. 
Keep smiling and keep the faith!
- K

Friday, May 17, 2013

Size Matters

              "Strength lies in differences, not in             similarities."
- Stephen R. Covey
Good Day EWI!
I hope this finds everyone looking forward to a glorious in Canada, it is a long weekend for us!  Happy Victoria Day to all of our Canadian member representatives! 
This week I had the pleasure of visiting with EWI of Lethbridge on Wednesday evening.  It was a glorious day for a road trip and their dinner meeting was held at their Golf & Country Club.  We were blessed to be able to gather outdoors in the sunshine for the networking hour, followed by a lovely meeting.  Thank you EWI of Lethbridge for the invite and for all of your ongoing support.
Visiting with this Chapter is the first step for me in a project that each Corporate Director has undertaken since renewals.  We have identified within each of our "Fleet" of Chapters, those who are standing with <25 member firms.  The list is dis-heartening to say the least and as such, needs our collective, immediate action.  So much so, that we have identified "Rebuilding" these Chapters as one of three top priorities for the office and board for the rest of the year.
We are currently sitting with 29 Chapters holding <25 member firms, or if you prefer, 47% of our Chapters.  As you all know, having a minimum of 25 member firms is the requirement to be chartered as a Chapter. 
In our discussions with these Chapters to chart a growth plan with them, we are still witnessing the general misconception surrounding Major/Minor classifications.  For clarification firm can "own" a Major classification.  They can though "own" a Minor classification.
One of the first initiatives we took this year was to task the Member Services Committee, chaired by Jenni Burns, EWI of Phoenix, and Vice Chair Judy Russell, EWI of Tulsa, in researching and implementing a plan to move to NAISC codes for our Major & Minor industry listings.  This will allow each Chapter a far more extensive list of Minor classifications to draw from when recruiting.
The NAISC codes are standardized codes in both the U.S. and Canada and every company filing a tax return has one assigned by their respective governments.  The committee has made tremendous strides in identifying a process for EWI to adopt this new classification system.  As a first step, they and the corporate office will be reaching out soon to each Chapter to first identify the applicable NAISC codes for each current member firm.  We will roll out the complete process at LCAM in September.  My thanks to the entire committee for their efforts and to Director Ewald-Ihde for liaising with them throughout the year!
Another disturbing trend we are seeing is complacency within the membership body of some Chapters in that "they are happy with their size."  I struggle with this rationale.  EWI is not a monthly dinner club.  It is an organization whose core purpose is to deliver quality programming each month that addresses one of our 3 C's (Connections, Careers, Communities) while also providing professional development opportunities for our member firms employees.  I was thrilled to hear from one of our member representatives this week that she has just taken on the Presidency of her governing industry association.  She acknowledged and attributed this success to her board exposure in her EWI Chapter.  Collectively, we provide over 600 board positions a year, primarily to women.  That is probably more than the Fortune 500 companies do.  We need to start marketing and sharing this story to a far greater degree.
An additional key priority for the office for this year was to develop new marketing tools for Chapter's use in their recruitment efforts.  Those have been finalized and released and are ready for you to utilize.  Links to the documents were in the May Connect and Leadership Connect issues, as well as having been posted to the website.  We are also compiling testimonials which will be used for a new recruitment video for all of our use shortly after LCAM.  Be prepared to answer the question, "Why do you belong?"
The office and Corporate Directors are also researching and providing lists of new businesses in the communities for those Chapters with <25 member firms.  We also suggest immediately that fund-raising activities be reduced or eliminated until they once again hit the minimum of 25 member firms, ideally comprised of a mix of small, medium and large sized firms.  Having a mix is absolutely integral to the long term viability of a Chapter as we laid out in the Standards of Excellence.  A majority of small businesses can be detrimental to a Chapter as evidenced in once case study.  The Chapter had over 46 member firms two years ago, but when the entrepreneurs that had joined did not see an immediate return on their investment, they opted out.  That Chapter is now sitting with just 16 firms.
Recruitment is every one's responsibility.  We are doing all that we possibly can to encourage and support Chapters in their growth initiatives.  This includes a proposal to amend the bylaws so that their is no confusion surrounding Major/Minor classifications.  In addition, we will again be proposing a budget that includes a discount for firms with 2 or 3 member representatives.
I encourage all members to review the Recruitment and Retention Webinar that I held in February for some ideas on how to approach a prospective firm.  Most importantly, remember that we need to recruit the firm, not the rep.  Director Hillegass will also be holding a Webinar for these 29 Chapters to share her experiences and the resulting success in the rebuilding of the Rochester Chapter. 
Strong Chapters are essential for so many reasons but primarily because through a diverse group of businesses, there is strength to be realized.  Without a diverse membership body in our Chapters we will continue to see Charters being handed in because there are not enough hands to do the work required.  We have witnessed this three times already this year and I am sure you will agree with me that we don't want to lose any more Chapters!
When you have the same people sitting on the board, burnout will occur to the point where they just cannot continue.  I call these "Eco" boards, because it is the same members being recycled over and over again for board service, sometimes in the same role for years on end.  If you are not learning new skills from your membership in EWI then of course you will disengage.  Remember, "Learn, Lead, Mentor!"
We also set up a committee this year to specifically study ways in we can eliminate or ease the tasks that corporate requires from Chapters.  Easing Chapter operations is an absolutely integral initiative that the office and board are fully committed to.  Thanks to Judy Russell, EWI of Tulsa for acting as Vice Chair on this committee as well!
At LCAM in Dallas I issued a challenge for each Chapter and member representative to embrace "One Vision", which is our vision statement of being 5,000 strong.  To get there each Chapter needs to increase their membership by 20% each year, for the next five years.  Kudos to those Chapters who have already succeeded in their "20 Mile March".  We CAN do this EWI!  It is not unrealistic because we have been there before!
Like the rubber band ball I chose for this post today, my wish is for each Chapter to grow to the point where they are strong by virtue of their diverse group of member firms.  Banded together for resiliency and able to bounce with the challenges thrown their way.
So - there is my "rant" for the week.  This weekend, think of who you can share your EWI story with.  Then, invite them to your next meeting! 
Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Share Your Story

"Happiness unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste."

- Charlotte Bronte

Happy Friday EWI! 
I hope this finds everyone looking forward to a great weekend ahead!  Finally, we are experiencing some heat here and things are starting to turn green with all the trees budding. This makes me very happy after what seemed to be the longest winter ever!
Those of you who attended Spring Conference know that we are video-taping member representative responses to the simple question, "Why do you belong?"  Several of you were kind enough to participate in Chattanooga and we will be doing this exercise again during LCAM in San Diego.  The objective of the exercise is to compile your responses into a recruitment video that can be used for all Chapters.  This will help to fulfill our commitment to focus on delivering quality marketing material to you, as requested. 
I have thought long and hard about what my personal reply would be to this question, and it is simply that, "EWI makes me happy!"  It fulfills my life and has brought great joy to my daily existence through all the friendships I have made, the skills I have learned, the clients I have earned and the deep satisfaction of helping others in need.  How would you answer the question of why you belong?
Whatever you come up with as a response, is the exact story you need to share with all those you encounter!  As you know, I challenged all of us to embark upon a "20 Mile March", wherein each Chapter would increase their membership by 20% this year, and then again for the next four years.  However, as we know...recruitment is every one's responsibility and it must start with you, the member representative!  The easiest way to do that is to just simply share you story in a meaningful way of what EWI brings to your life.
Last week the Corporate Office released some wonderful new marketing materials to help us all in our recruitment efforts.  This was coupled with a new membership campaign, which is running from May 01st - July 31st.  Ever member representative that recruits a new member will receive a $10.00 Amazon gift card as well as being entered in to a draw for a trip to LCAM in San Diego including air, four nights hotel and registration fees! 
Please make a commitment right now to reach out to that one person that has been on your mind to speak to about joining EWI!  Whether it is a friend, client, neighbor or colleague let us all just make that commitment to invite them to our May meetings!
Remember, many hands make light work!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
- K



Friday, May 3, 2013

Empowering Others


"All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing."

- Sir Edmund Burke

Good Day EWI!
Writing this at the end of a wonderfully inspiring EWI Day!  Today was our Chapter's Annual Hot Heels Fashion Show, the first of two major fundraisers that we hold each year.  A glorious event that always draws out our corporate community with rave reviews.  Over 300 people attended today to once again partake in a luncheon full of fun, fashion and philanthropy.  To me, what makes this event so special is that the models are comprised of our very own Chapter member representatives and sometimes their children.  This year however, quite a few of the models were young mothers who had never modelled before but are residents of a local charity housing program that brings safe housing, parenting and life skills to unmarried young women who are completing their education.  To see them bask in the glow of the spot lights and see their reaction to the applause of the audience was heart-warming to say the least.  A perfect example of "members who empower others for positive change."
On our board call this week I was dismayed to learn that many of you within our Chapters are still unaware that it is okay for you to scale back on your fundraising efforts.  Please, make recruitment your first priority.  Until you have many hands to make light work, don't over-tax yourselves with huge fundraising initiatives.  While honourable to try to make the same impact on your community year after year, sometimes we need to refocus our priorities. And that is more than alright!  In fact, it is the first thing we coach Chapters who are struggling to step away from. 
We are working on some alternative fundraising initiatives that might resonate within your Chapter while supporting our primary focus of literacy.  The overall objective is to find initiatives that are manageable in scope for you while still supporting "One Vision."
"To be a global women's organization with 5,000 engaged members who empower others for positive change."
When I reflect on this statement several things come to mind of course.  What will make us global?  Having more international Chapters would certainly help, but to me, it also means that EWI needs to have a global view with those mandates that form the basis of our organization:  Connections/Careers and Community.  Having a global presence means being a good global citizen.
I have to tell you that my heart stopped this week when I learned of the most recent attack on Afghan schoolgirls with gas poisoning while they were in their classroom.  Thirteen girls were taken ill and this follows two separate incidents earlier last week in different schools when about seventy girls complained of nausea and dizziness.  The Taliban, which apposes female education is suspected.  They had banned education for girls until they were overthrown in 2001.  Now, militant extremists are resulting to these types of terrorist acts against their own countries female children.  Both of our countries have fought and lost servicemen to bring these rights to the women of Afghanistan, along with a fundamental freedom to pursue ones' dreams for all citizens. 
Conservative Taliban extremists of course are not just acting out against this change in Afghanistan alone.  Who can forget last year when Malala Yousafzai, the fifteen year old education advocate, was shot in the head in Pakistan?  She has since become the international poster child for women's right to read, the world over.  Thankfully, she is recovered and attending school in England now.
The truth is, that one in five people in this world are illiterate. The United Nations has identified literacy as a fundamental human right, although that is not a reality for 775 Million people on this planet.  Two-thirds of those are women.
The world is sadly made up of "Have" and "Have-Nots".  Until that changes, there will always be extremists that are willing to kill themselves along with innocent bystanders, for whatever cause they champion, because their lives have no meaning.
Kofi Annan says:
"Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope.  It is a tool for daily life in modern society.  It is a bulwark against poverty and a building block of development.  Literacy is a platform for democratization and a vehicle for the promotion of cultural and national identity.  Especially for girls and women, it is an agent of family health and nutrition.  For everyone, everywhere, literacy is, a basic human right.  Literacy is, finally, the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child can realize his or her full potential."
It is my fervent wish that EWI can be an agent of change, championing literacy initiatives so that we can truly, empower others for positive change!
So, that is my closing thoughts for this week.  As Phil McGraw says, "Awareness without action is worthless."
If you are interested to learn more about what change literacy can affect, then I highly recommend either of John Wood's books, Founder of Room to Read.  John will be our keynote speaker at LCAM on our "EWI Foundation Day of Literacy" on the Friday.  I do hope to see you there!
Have a great weekend!