- Charlotte Bronte
Happy Friday EWI!
I hope this finds everyone looking forward to a great weekend ahead! Finally, we are experiencing some heat here and things are starting to turn green with all the trees budding. This makes me very happy after what seemed to be the longest winter ever!
Those of you who attended Spring Conference know that we are video-taping member representative responses to the simple question, "Why do you belong?" Several of you were kind enough to participate in Chattanooga and we will be doing this exercise again during LCAM in San Diego. The objective of the exercise is to compile your responses into a recruitment video that can be used for all Chapters. This will help to fulfill our commitment to focus on delivering quality marketing material to you, as requested.
I have thought long and hard about what my personal reply would be to this question, and it is simply that, "EWI makes me happy!" It fulfills my life and has brought great joy to my daily existence through all the friendships I have made, the skills I have learned, the clients I have earned and the deep satisfaction of helping others in need. How would you answer the question of why you belong?
Whatever you come up with as a response, is the exact story you need to share with all those you encounter! As you know, I challenged all of us to embark upon a "20 Mile March", wherein each Chapter would increase their membership by 20% this year, and then again for the next four years. However, as we know...recruitment is every one's responsibility and it must start with you, the member representative! The easiest way to do that is to just simply share you story in a meaningful way of what EWI brings to your life.
Last week the Corporate Office released some wonderful new marketing materials to help us all in our recruitment efforts. This was coupled with a new membership campaign, which is running from May 01st - July 31st. Ever member representative that recruits a new member will receive a $10.00 Amazon gift card as well as being entered in to a draw for a trip to LCAM in San Diego including air, four nights hotel and registration fees!
Please make a commitment right now to reach out to that one person that has been on your mind to speak to about joining EWI! Whether it is a friend, client, neighbor or colleague let us all just make that commitment to invite them to our May meetings!
Remember, many hands make light work!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
- K
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