Friday, June 28, 2013

Heard It Through the Grapevine?

"Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear."
- Edgar Allan Poe
Good Day EWI!
Well, here we are a week later and the world, as I know it, has shifted on its axis.  Just a week ago the board and I started our day with a breakfast meeting with the Tacoma and Seattle Chapter boards.  It was a great meeting with wonderful conversation and sharing!  Thank you to all of those members that were able to attend.  You are accomplishing great things in your Chapters and communities and have so much to be proud of!  I know your individual growth plans will come to fruition and am excited by the possible synergies between your two Chapters!  There will be great things to come by working together.
Our corporate board agenda progressed as planned, but every so often I would get an update from home about the devastating rain and flood waters that hit our city, family and livelihood hard.  I could not have made it through the weekend being away from home without the support of my board members and Wendy.  My deepest gratitude ladies!
It is hard to hear that your family members have been evacuated and that your homes and businesses are first at risk, then later, confirmed to have been affected in the worst way.  Flying home on Sunday with a bird's eye view of the city left me absolutely shocked.  Such devastation everywhere along the rivers, and then everywhere as usual.  Surreal.
Thousands of people have been affected by this latest natural disaster wherein Mother Nature is fighting back. Inevitably though, it is the heartening stories of the community coming together, neighbor helping neighbor that sustain you through this.  I had tears in my eyes when I read an article about children of an orphanage in Cambodia donating $900.00 to the flood relief here in Alberta.  Amazing how small the world has become, isn't it?
Currently, we have grown from a household of two, to one of eight with my in-laws and my sister-in-law, her husband and their two children having moved in with us.  They all live in High River which is a town just south of us, and very appropriately named!  We are all safe and sound and in the end, that is all that matters.  Being so intimately involved with this has allowed me an inside view to the worry and fear that prevails when you just don't know what the outcome will be.  All of the town's citizens are still not permitted to re-enter their homes, and yet some people chose to ignore the evacuation orders and stay.  This is where the rumour mill has kicked into high gear..."I heard that..." or "So and so said this".  All of which cannot be verified and just leads to misinformed, frustrated people, eager to point fingers and lay blame. 
I have recently been updated on some conversations and rumours within EWI...nothing earth shattering, but very disappointing that some members choose to start and then spread things that are just not true.  Please....if you have ANY questions, the office and the board are hear to listen and address those questions firsthand.   You can reach me personally anytime at 403.452.1277
Negative untruths do nothing but erode the very core of our organization and I implore each and every member to really study and live our Core Values...Integrity, Excellence, Respect and Collaboration.  Integrity really means doing the right thing even when no one will know you have done it.  Excellence...are we acting like a professional organization by spreading rumours that hurt others?  Respect is summarized best by the old adage, "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."  Recent behaviour by some certainly doesn't foster collaboration either.  So, in closing on this subject, I offer you these additional quotes;
"Rumours are like songbirds; they sound filling but make a poor feast" 
 - W. M. Gear
"Rumors generally grow deformed as they travel"
- Edward Counsel
"For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarrelling ceases"
 - Proverbs 26:20
So before participating and perpetuating something, please verify the facts first!
We are now just 81 days away from LCAM!  I cannot wait to see everyone there and if you have not yet registered, remember that the early bird discount ends on June 30th. 
As we move into the first week of July, my wish is that we all remain safe, surrounded by loved ones as we celebrate Canada Day on Monday and then Independence Day next Thursday.  May the fireworks after a great day of celebration, glow long in your hearts!

- Karen



Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hope Springs Eternal

"There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love."
- Martin Luther King Jr.
Good Day EWI!
By the time you read this, I will be en route to Seattle to attend our final in-person corporate board meeting before LCAM in September.  I am very much looking forward to this weekend because of the shared commitment and passion that is always displayed by the women I am blessed to lead.  We have a heavy agenda, but have again carved out time to meet with not one, but two Chapters; Seattle and Tacoma.  I know the discussion with these two boards will be invigorating with lots of shared insight.
This past weekend saw the Nominating Committee gather to determine the slate for next year's board.  I would like to congratulate all those that were named, but most importantly, today's message is especially written for those who applied, but were not selected.
I know there is great disappointment within you as your dedication and passion for EWI is evidenced by the very fact that you expressed your interest to serve at this level.  I congratulate you all for aspiring to lead!  While it was not the exact time for you this year, please rest assured that your contributions to the organization are deeply appreciated and noticed.  Keep hope and please make sure you re-apply for service next year and stay engaged at the corporate committee level.  We need your dedication and passion!
I have often said that our Nominating process is a very scientific approach to very human decisions.  Participating in this process involves weighty and sometimes difficult decisions. 
As such, I want to specifically thank the members of the committee for their time and their commitment to act from a perspective of what is best for EWI.  Thank you to:  Janice Knight, EWI of Jackson, Linda Cordor, EWI of Birmingham and Pati Dahmen, EWI of Spokane, along with our VP/President-Elect Ronwyn Anderson, EWI of Nashville and the Chair, Lisa Stokes, EWI of Harrisburg, 2012-2013 Advisor to the board.  I know you have selected a dynamic board to lead EWI into the future! 
Have you registered for LCAM yet?  The early bird deadline is just days away.  There will be so much to take in...a customized AoL module for all those attending Leadership Caucus, led by Lori Giovannoni, and a general AoL module session, "The Power of the Diverse Communicator" led by Collette Carlson, followed by our special 1930's garden party themed opening reception on Wednesday evening.  Have you found your special hat yet? 
Thursday and Friday are going to be jam-packed with inspiring speakers and an "Ask The Expert Session", Town Hall Meeting and Delegate Session.  Thrown in the middle of that on Thursday night is the optional dinner cruise that EWI of San Diego has planned!  How great will it be to watch a Pacific coastal sunset from on board a boat? 
Then of course Saturday is our Annual Meeting followed by the Gala dinner.  WOW - so much to look forward to!  I cannot wait and hope to see you all there for this special LCAM "Celebrating our Past, Embracing our Future!"
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  I know I will have lots to update you with next week so be sure to check back.  Thank you to all of your who read this blog!  When I logged in to write this edition, we have had over 4,000 viewers to the site.  I am amazed and very humbled by that!  Thank you!
- K

Friday, June 14, 2013


"There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen and there are people who wonder what happened."
- Jim Lovell
Good Day EWI!
As I write this, there is a huge storm overhead and I can hear the thunder and see the black clouds rolling lightening yet, but sure to see that soon!  Electrifying!  I have a long standing fascination with thunder and lightening storms because my Dad used to drive us kids out on the prairies to watch them.  Probably not the safest idea in retrospect, but it was exciting and fun.  I never remember being scared because as long as we were with Dad, we felt safe.  The storm makes for a perfect analogy as I reflect on the past week...change rolling in whether we may be prepared for it or not.
Last week brought about a huge change for me personally, having lost my dear 89 year old Auntie.  Writing her obituary, speaking at her funeral and of course, saying that final good-bye to her was difficult, but it was also a time for great thanks in that we were so blessed to have had her in our lives for so long.
I also sense great changes coming for EWI and yet again, I am in awe of our member representatives in how they can unite and speak with One Voice for One Vision.  The Bylaws Committee has been hard at work reviewing the suggested amendments received from the membership and in particular, I want to congratulate our Chapters who came together with a united vision.  I was unable to join in on the call, but have heard that it was a great conversation between those Chapter's designated representatives and our Bylaw Committee members, led by Vice-Chair Bev Kennedy.  This is what it should be all about...members bringing forth the changes they desire and receiving the guidance of those more experienced in helping them affect that change.  A perfect example of Learn, Lead and Mentor!  
Today, I want to celebrate those who take action and make things happen within our membership body.    You are all to be applauded for taking the time to set things in motion and seeing them through to completion!
Another great example of this is EWI of Richmond's newly released video, in celebration of their Chapter's 46th Anniversary.  What an incredibly professional tool you have built for your retention and recruitment purposes.  Well done!  I was very moved by it and it brought a tear to my eye.  I encourage everyone to take a moment to watch this great testimonial of EWI.  You can check it out on YouTube at
I cannot believe it is the middle of June already!  This year has sped by so fast that most of it seems like a blur.  Our last face-to-face board meeting is next weekend and I am excited to meet with the incredible women I am blessed to serve with, who take action for EWI on a daily basis.  While in Seattle, we will be meeting with both the Seattle and Tacoma boards so I am really looking forward to that dialogue with them too!
Registrations are coming in fast and furious for LCAM and it will not be long before we gather once more to learn, share and celebrate!  Don't forget that early-bird registration ends on June 30th. 
Have a wonderful weekend EWI!
- K

Thursday, June 6, 2013

My Regrets

Good Day EWI!

My apologies, however there will be no blog tomorrow as I am heading home for my Auntie's funeral.  In the absence of the blog, I invite you to make sure you read the Corporate Connect that came out on Wednesday.  Have a great week!
- K