"There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen and there are people who wonder what happened."
- Jim Lovell
Good Day EWI!
As I write this, there is a huge storm overhead and I can hear the thunder and see the black clouds rolling in...no lightening yet, but sure to see that soon! Electrifying! I have a long standing fascination with thunder and lightening storms because my Dad used to drive us kids out on the prairies to watch them. Probably not the safest idea in retrospect, but it was exciting and fun. I never remember being scared because as long as we were with Dad, we felt safe. The storm makes for a perfect analogy as I reflect on the past week...change rolling in whether we may be prepared for it or not.
Last week brought about a huge change for me personally, having lost my dear 89 year old Auntie. Writing her obituary, speaking at her funeral and of course, saying that final good-bye to her was difficult, but it was also a time for great thanks in that we were so blessed to have had her in our lives for so long.
I also sense great changes coming for EWI and yet again, I am in awe of our member representatives in how they can unite and speak with One Voice for One Vision. The Bylaws Committee has been hard at work reviewing the suggested amendments received from the membership and in particular, I want to congratulate our Chapters who came together with a united vision. I was unable to join in on the call, but have heard that it was a great conversation between those Chapter's designated representatives and our Bylaw Committee members, led by Vice-Chair Bev Kennedy. This is what it should be all about...members bringing forth the changes they desire and receiving the guidance of those more experienced in helping them affect that change. A perfect example of Learn, Lead and Mentor!
Today, I want to celebrate those who take action and make things happen within our membership body. You are all to be applauded for taking the time to set things in motion and seeing them through to completion!
Another great example of this is EWI of Richmond's newly released video, in celebration of their Chapter's 46th Anniversary. What an incredibly professional tool you have built for your retention and recruitment purposes. Well done! I was very moved by it and it brought a tear to my eye. I encourage everyone to take a moment to watch this great testimonial of EWI. You can check it out on YouTube at http://youtu.be/_m1gnvPkfkU
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