Friday, July 5, 2013

The Power of a Community

The essence of commuity, its heart and soul, is the non-monetary exchange of value; things we do and share becaue we care for others, and for the good of the place."

- Dee Hock
Good Day EWI!
Well, here we are two weeks after the devastating flood, and yet today, the 101st Stampede Parade went ahead as planned.  The parade kicks of ten days of the Calgary Stampede and I must admit, when they first announced that they would carry on with the event, "Come Hell or High Water", I thought it was a little premature and a bit crazy to try.  However, yet again, our community has pulled together and made it happen.  250,000 people lined the streets of downtown this morning and the first day of the rodeo has just commenced.  I am still not sure that the 100,000 people whose homes have been affected will be attending, however for the other 900,000 plus all the tourists, life must go on!
On a personal level, I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of goodwill from all those we know...from those dropping off huge pots of soup, baking, and lunches for the work crews each day trying to rebuild our golf course, to the myriad of strangers that just showed up on the doorstep of family homes in High River to help, it has been an amazing display of humanity at its best.
I have received so many emails and best wishes and an especially lovely card today in the mail from the EWI members...thank you all!  You have no idea how much that does to lift the spirits for the day!
We too have an amazing community we can be so proud of!  When I think of our 3C's...I have usually framed "Community" within the context of where we live and do business. However, now I think that it may just be a wonderful adjective for our entire organization.  EWI is a unique community to be sure!  One that is not only full of professional member firms but most importantly, their representatives who care for one another deeply.
I have always said that through EWI I know I have a network of women who "have my back" and will be there for me whatever the challenge.  During these past two weeks that belief was reaffirmed for me in spades!  What an amazing thing EWI is and what amazing things it brings to our lives! 
One then has to ask oneself..."Why do we not share that more readily with those we know?"  We should be singing the benefits of this organization from the rooftops and inviting all those who we think could benefit, to attend our very next meeting to share in this joy and make it even stronger!
The membership incentive runs until the end of July!  Is there a potential member firm you can close in the next 26 days?  If so, you will be entered to win a complete trip to LCAM in sunny San Diego.  So far, we have issued over 40 Amazon gift cards to members for referring a new member firm.  Fabulous results...but there is still more time to have your name entered!
Share the wealth of EWI everyone!  Tell your EWI story!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend and to always keep the faith....
- K

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