Friday, July 26, 2013

"To Boldly Go"

"Be courageous.  It's one of the only places left uncrowded."
- Anita Roddick
Good Day EWI!
There is something about this quote that makes me laugh...not because it is an absurd thought, but rather because it is so true!  If we use the current scenario unfolding in most Chapters right now wherein incoming Presidents are struggling to fill their boards I think this quote is most apropos for today's blog. 
I also LOVE this photo...can you close your eyes and remember what it felt like your first time on a diving board?  Sweaty palms as you climbed the ladder, hoping the kids in front of you would not jump too fast.  Feet slipping on the wet rungs and that awful feeling in your stomach?  If you were brave enough and actually got to the top, you then had that long walk to the edge. The board was wet, slippery and oh, so high!  I can see it and almost still feel it, but what we all now know is that incredible feeling when you actually gathered up your courage (mostly because the kid behind you was whining for you to hurry up) and jumped!  The water felt so good once you were in. much so that you swam to the edge, busted a grin, patted yourself on the back and then rushed to line up to do it all over again!
Stepping onto a Chapter board may not be quite so intimidating and scary as that first jump for all, but I think it can be for many of us.  Remember the rewards...because, guaranteed you will have a treasure chest of them when you come out of the "pool" on the other side!
You may be hesitating in accepting that nomination or request from your Vice President, thinking, "I don't know how to swim".  Well, like any dog who gets thrown into water, everyone learns pretty easily how to swim or float their way through board service.  Having reaped so many benefits, new skills, friendships in my own service with EWI, all I can say is, "Jump!"  Like that feeling of cold water at the end of a dive, stepping into board service is refreshing, invigorating and full of essential life lessons and skills to be learned.
Well, I am tuning 50 on Monday.  I think I also loved this quote and image because that is the stance I am going to take heading into this new decade of life.  Embrace it and love what comes because what choice does one have, really?  A friend asked me this week if I was upset or anxious about this birthday and really, I have to say that I am okay with it!
When I think back to the one birthday that really slayed me (26th), what made me feel that way is that I had this "master list" of all the things I wanted to have accomplished by the time I was 25 and when I hit 26 and did not have most of them checked off, I crumbled.
Now, I count my blessings each and every day and am so thankful for all that has been bestowed upon me at this stage of my life, including this honour of serving as your Corporate President.  Which, by the way, all started with me taking the jump 10 years ago and saying, "Yes, I will be the Program Director for my Chapter."
So, in closing, my fervent wish is that every member of EWI is offered the opportunity to serve at the board level.  Collectively, we offer over 600 board positions a year..are you going to be in one of those? 
Have a great weekend everyone!  Go for a swim...looks like too much fun not too!
- K

Friday, July 19, 2013

Changes Ahead

"Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival."

- Steve Maraboli
Good Day EWI!
Well, here it is the end of yet another very busy week for EWI!  The Board met on Monday and the meeting ran to almost four hours.  Many, many thanks to the board members and Wendy for their patience and perseverance.  We had the final revisions of all bylaw changes to review after our Legal Counsel and Parliamentarian had weighed in on the proposed amendments from the Bylaws Committee.
I want to take a moment to sincerely thank our Vice Chair, Bev Kennedy, EWI of Minneapolis for leading the Bylaws Committee this year.  She had some terrific expertise at her side;  Sylvia Napper, Judy Russell, Karen Kuhn, Carolyn Feltus, Karen Jorgenson, Peggy Quade and Jennifer Thornton.  In addition, I want to thank Darlis Vauble, Chair of Board Governance and Lisa Stokes, board liaison.  Thank you ladies for all of your dedication and passion!  I think I lost count of how many revisions were made, but I never feared that it would all come together and be delivered on time because of your efforts.  This from a very naive new President who, nine months ago, vowed there would be no bylaw changes this year! 
The delegate package will be distributed on Monday and while it will appear daunting (I can hear the groans!), please know that each and every suggested amendment was arrived at with great purpose support the critical growth we need and as such, to do what is best for the health and long term sustainability of EWI.
We will be holding a call with all Chapter Presidents on August 06th to review the proposed 2013 - 2014 Operating budget, and then the webinar for all Delegates and Alternates will be held on August 20th.  These sessions will allow you to have meaningful conversation at the Chapter level before arriving in San Diego.  Should you have any questions in regards to the proposed bylaw amendments or the budget, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the board members, the respective committee members or to our ED/COO, Wendy Cowley.  We are here to assist you in any way we can.
As we gear up for LCAM, I thought I might also share what is appropriate "gear" for the week.  I have had some inquiries this week from members asking about dress code.  The Opening reception on the Wednesday night is a 1930's era Garden Party.  You might want to start searching for the perfect costume and/or hat!  The 75th Anniversary Committee has planned an exciting evening for us on the lawn of the hotel...badminton, croquet, and lots of networking!
The remainder of the week is of course business/business casual attire.  Our Gala evening on Saturday night will be formal/cocktail attire, as usual.
Registration numbers are coming in fast and furious and it is so exciting to see it all come together.  I cannot wait to see you all in sunny San Diego, gathering with One Voice and One Vision!
I had the pleasure of speaking with quite a few of our Past Corporate President's this week.  What an amazing group of leaders they are!  How they are staying engaged with the organization by serving on committees is a huge inspiration for me.  Thank you ladies for your support and encouragement this year!  I look forward to touching base with those of you whom I did not get a chance to chat with this week.  I will endeavor to pick up the thread again when I return next week from Montreal.   
Before I wrote this I checked the EWI Corporate Facebook page and see that we have grown by 10 more "likes' of this page!  THANK YOU!  We are now at 477.  Let's really try to get this to 1000 by the month's end please.  Send out a notice to all of your EWI Facebook friends and remind them to like our page.  WE CAN DO THIS!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!  I hope, that for those of you in the midst of the eastern heat wave, you can find some air conditioning and for those of you in the rainy areas, that the sun does come out!
- K

Friday, July 12, 2013


"The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity."
- Keith Ferrazzi

Good Day EWI!
I hope this finds everyone excited for the weekend ahead!  Summer days and evenings are so special and need to be cherished.  I have lots of family time scheduled for the weekend along with Sunday afternoon at the final day of the Calgary Stampede rodeo in infield seats with good friends.  I cannot wait to wear my new cowhide shoes that I picked up at Nordstrom's!  I just hope no one drops any mustard on them from all the corn dogs being consumed as I walk through the crowds!  LOL!
I actually had some time today to peruse my facebook account and as usual, I am always in awe of what our Chapters are posting.  Photos of their scholarship nights, special networking events and inspirational thoughts for the day.  So many of our EWI Chapters have embraced social media and are doing wonderful things with the medium.  Congratulations to all of you!  Just remember to always "share" those great posts you see on your own wall.
I came across the quote I used today about the core essence of networking and given that "Connections" is the first core tenet of EWI, I thought it was a very apropos subject for today's blog.  A quick scan of my facebook friends shows that on average each person is connected to about 200 people.  That is not only a huge testament to the success of this tool, but also to you and your life's commitment to fostering and maintaining relationships. 
So often we see members join EWI with the proverbial "WIFM" approach.  What everyone needs to remember is that successful networking is achieved by first giving leads and recommendations to the others in the group to help them with their businesses.  Once you do that and become known as a "Connector" for others, business will flow your way because when they in turn come across someone who needs your services, they will think of you first and foremost because you have assisted them before.  I know one gentlemen who speaks on networking and when he meets someone new he asks them, "What can I do to assist you?"  or "How can I help?".  Very powerful words indeed.  Perhaps that is a way to start a networking hour at your next Chapter meeting? 
While examining the social media sites today though I am absolutely mystified at the low number of "Likes" we have on the EWI Corporate facebook page...only 467.  If I asked each of our members "Do you like EWI?", the most typical response I know I would get is, "Like?...No, I LOVE EWI".   So, would all of you who read this page please go to our facbook site and "Like" us?  We have had over 4400 views of this blog in just nine months, so I am sure we, the EWI membership body, can get our "Likes" to over 1000 by the end of this month!  Yes, another challenge I am issuing!  You CAN do this, I know!
As we get closer and closer to LCAM I can feel the excitement building within the organization.  For me, it is almost like being a child again and counting down the days until Christmas.  I cannot wait to see all of you there and to share in the celebration of our 75th Anniversary!  If you have not yet registered, please do so.  There are wonderful justification tools online that you can use should you need to present the conference for approval to attend.
Don't forget to recruit new members too as all those member representatives who have referred someone by the end of July will be entered into the draw for a trip to San Diego with air, hotel and registration fees paid for!
Until then, keep strong, share your EWI stories and please "Like" us!
Have a great weekend everyone!
- K

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Power of a Community

The essence of commuity, its heart and soul, is the non-monetary exchange of value; things we do and share becaue we care for others, and for the good of the place."

- Dee Hock
Good Day EWI!
Well, here we are two weeks after the devastating flood, and yet today, the 101st Stampede Parade went ahead as planned.  The parade kicks of ten days of the Calgary Stampede and I must admit, when they first announced that they would carry on with the event, "Come Hell or High Water", I thought it was a little premature and a bit crazy to try.  However, yet again, our community has pulled together and made it happen.  250,000 people lined the streets of downtown this morning and the first day of the rodeo has just commenced.  I am still not sure that the 100,000 people whose homes have been affected will be attending, however for the other 900,000 plus all the tourists, life must go on!
On a personal level, I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of goodwill from all those we know...from those dropping off huge pots of soup, baking, and lunches for the work crews each day trying to rebuild our golf course, to the myriad of strangers that just showed up on the doorstep of family homes in High River to help, it has been an amazing display of humanity at its best.
I have received so many emails and best wishes and an especially lovely card today in the mail from the EWI members...thank you all!  You have no idea how much that does to lift the spirits for the day!
We too have an amazing community we can be so proud of!  When I think of our 3C's...I have usually framed "Community" within the context of where we live and do business. However, now I think that it may just be a wonderful adjective for our entire organization.  EWI is a unique community to be sure!  One that is not only full of professional member firms but most importantly, their representatives who care for one another deeply.
I have always said that through EWI I know I have a network of women who "have my back" and will be there for me whatever the challenge.  During these past two weeks that belief was reaffirmed for me in spades!  What an amazing thing EWI is and what amazing things it brings to our lives! 
One then has to ask oneself..."Why do we not share that more readily with those we know?"  We should be singing the benefits of this organization from the rooftops and inviting all those who we think could benefit, to attend our very next meeting to share in this joy and make it even stronger!
The membership incentive runs until the end of July!  Is there a potential member firm you can close in the next 26 days?  If so, you will be entered to win a complete trip to LCAM in sunny San Diego.  So far, we have issued over 40 Amazon gift cards to members for referring a new member firm.  Fabulous results...but there is still more time to have your name entered!
Share the wealth of EWI everyone!  Tell your EWI story!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend and to always keep the faith....
- K