"Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival."
- Steve Maraboli
Good Day EWI!
Well, here it is the end of yet another very busy week for EWI! The Board met on Monday and the meeting ran to almost four hours. Many, many thanks to the board members and Wendy for their patience and perseverance. We had the final revisions of all bylaw changes to review after our Legal Counsel and Parliamentarian had weighed in on the proposed amendments from the Bylaws Committee.
I want to take a moment to sincerely thank our Vice Chair, Bev Kennedy, EWI of Minneapolis for leading the Bylaws Committee this year. She had some terrific expertise at her side; Sylvia Napper, Judy Russell, Karen Kuhn, Carolyn Feltus, Karen Jorgenson, Peggy Quade and Jennifer Thornton. In addition, I want to thank Darlis Vauble, Chair of Board Governance and Lisa Stokes, board liaison. Thank you ladies for all of your dedication and passion! I think I lost count of how many revisions were made, but I never feared that it would all come together and be delivered on time because of your efforts. This from a very naive new President who, nine months ago, vowed there would be no bylaw changes this year!
The delegate package will be distributed on Monday and while it will appear daunting (I can hear the groans already...lol!), please know that each and every suggested amendment was arrived at with great purpose ...to support the critical growth we need and as such, to do what is best for the health and long term sustainability of EWI.
We will be holding a call with all Chapter Presidents on August 06th to review the proposed 2013 - 2014 Operating budget, and then the webinar for all Delegates and Alternates will be held on August 20th. These sessions will allow you to have meaningful conversation at the Chapter level before arriving in San Diego. Should you have any questions in regards to the proposed bylaw amendments or the budget, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the board members, the respective committee members or to our ED/COO, Wendy Cowley. We are here to assist you in any way we can.
As we gear up for LCAM, I thought I might also share what is appropriate "gear" for the week. I have had some inquiries this week from members asking about dress code. The Opening reception on the Wednesday night is a 1930's era Garden Party. You might want to start searching for the perfect costume and/or hat! The 75th Anniversary Committee has planned an exciting evening for us on the lawn of the hotel...badminton, croquet, and lots of networking!
The remainder of the week is of course business/business casual attire. Our Gala evening on Saturday night will be formal/cocktail attire, as usual.
Registration numbers are coming in fast and furious and it is so exciting to see it all come together. I cannot wait to see you all in sunny San Diego, gathering with One Voice and One Vision!
I had the pleasure of speaking with quite a few of our Past Corporate President's this week. What an amazing group of leaders they are! How they are staying engaged with the organization by serving on committees is a huge inspiration for me. Thank you ladies for your support and encouragement this year! I look forward to touching base with those of you whom I did not get a chance to chat with this week. I will endeavor to pick up the thread again when I return next week from Montreal.
Before I wrote this I checked the EWI Corporate Facebook page and see that we have grown by 10 more "likes' of this page! THANK YOU! We are now at 477. Let's really try to get this to 1000 by the month's end please. Send out a notice to all of your EWI Facebook friends and remind them to like our page. WE CAN DO THIS!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! I hope, that for those of you in the midst of the eastern heat wave, you can find some air conditioning and for those of you in the rainy areas, that the sun does come out!
- K
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