- Keith Ferrazzi
Good Day EWI!
I hope this finds everyone excited for the weekend ahead! Summer days and evenings are so special and need to be cherished. I have lots of family time scheduled for the weekend along with Sunday afternoon at the final day of the Calgary Stampede rodeo in infield seats with good friends. I cannot wait to wear my new cowhide shoes that I picked up at Nordstrom's! I just hope no one drops any mustard on them from all the corn dogs being consumed as I walk through the crowds! LOL!
I actually had some time today to peruse my facebook account and as usual, I am always in awe of what our Chapters are posting. Photos of their scholarship nights, special networking events and inspirational thoughts for the day. So many of our EWI Chapters have embraced social media and are doing wonderful things with the medium. Congratulations to all of you! Just remember to always "share" those great posts you see on your own wall.
I came across the quote I used today about the core essence of networking and given that "Connections" is the first core tenet of EWI, I thought it was a very apropos subject for today's blog. A quick scan of my facebook friends shows that on average each person is connected to about 200 people. That is not only a huge testament to the success of this tool, but also to you and your life's commitment to fostering and maintaining relationships.
So often we see members join EWI with the proverbial "WIFM" approach. What everyone needs to remember is that successful networking is achieved by first giving leads and recommendations to the others in the group to help them with their businesses. Once you do that and become known as a "Connector" for others, business will flow your way because when they in turn come across someone who needs your services, they will think of you first and foremost because you have assisted them before. I know one gentlemen who speaks on networking and when he meets someone new he asks them, "What can I do to assist you?" or "How can I help?". Very powerful words indeed. Perhaps that is a way to start a networking hour at your next Chapter meeting?
While examining the social media sites today though I am absolutely mystified at the low number of "Likes" we have on the EWI Corporate facebook page...only 467. If I asked each of our members "Do you like EWI?", the most typical response I know I would get is, "Like?...No, I LOVE EWI". So, would all of you who read this page please go to our facbook site and "Like" us? We have had over 4400 views of this blog in just nine months, so I am sure we, the EWI membership body, can get our "Likes" to over 1000 by the end of this month! Yes, another challenge I am issuing! You CAN do this, I know!
As we get closer and closer to LCAM I can feel the excitement building within the organization. For me, it is almost like being a child again and counting down the days until Christmas. I cannot wait to see all of you there and to share in the celebration of our 75th Anniversary! If you have not yet registered, please do so. There are wonderful justification tools online that you can use should you need to present the conference for approval to attend.
Don't forget to recruit new members too as all those member representatives who have referred someone by the end of July will be entered into the draw for a trip to San Diego with air, hotel and registration fees paid for!
Until then, keep strong, share your EWI stories and please "Like" us!
Have a great weekend everyone!
- K
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